Central American Youth Leadership Conference
Dear Community Partner,
Homies Unidos is excited to invite you to the 7th annual Central American Youth Leadership Conference, "Yo Controlo mi Futuro", a convening of scholars, educators, and resource partners to welcome recent arrivals from Latin America that will shape the landscape of tomorrow’s immigrant rights movement. It is our mission to empower youth and families to access resources, share their stories, and achieve educational milestones.
This conference will take place at Los Angeles Trade-Tech College on Friday, June 2, from 9:00 am to 2:30 pm. Since 2015, our Central American Youth Leadership Council has organized an annual convening of over 450 high school and middle school students. Scholars, educators, and community partners welcome recent arrivals with resources and workshops. These immigrants will shape the landscape of tomorrow’s immigrant rights movement. It is our mission to empower youth and families to share their stories, start healing and engage in the civic process.
We are inviting you to join us again in the celebration and creation of a welcoming community for our immigrant youths. You can take part in ensuring that these youths will enjoy a positive and welcoming experience with resources, food, raffles, and dancing.
Your support of this event is crucial to raise awareness and providing resources to newly arrived youth and families. Let us know if you have ideas for ways your organizations can partner, collaborate, or bring further awareness to support our mission.
Thank you for your consideration. Please feel free to contact:
Alex Sanchez, at 213-383-7484 or via email: at asanchez@homiesunidos.org if you want to take part in this amazing event.