Fire Hardship Immigrant Fund
Please Support Immigrant who have been Impacted Fires in the Los Angeles
As we see the devastation that has happened throughout Los Angeles, we feel for all the people displaced by these fires. Many of the people who worked in this communities live in our communities, our immigrant babysitters, day laborers, and house keepers. These families are devastated and unemployed. Many are reaching out to us for support. In our last survey, 70% said they need a jobs while about 5% have lost their homes. While 70% said they need food. Most of the resources have been focused families that work in the affected areas who live in the communities of Pico Union, Koreatown and Weslake, the predominant immigrant communities of Los Angeles Homies Unidos serves.
Thanks to the Koreatown YMCA, Los Angeles California Rising, and Salvadoran Corridor for the donations.
We have been supporting some of these shelters with water and other needs. But we expect that there will be a big need for our families who have lost their jobs and homes and any saved funds will be exhausted.
Homies Unidos is requesting donations to our Hardship Funds to be distributed to families who need housing, food and other needs. Homies Unidos will pay directly for hotels, Landlords, and service providers directly. Homies Unidos will also be providing supplies for clean-up efforts. We will also continue surveying impacted people in the migrant communities to stay adaptive to their needs.
9th Annual Central American Youth Leadership Conference
9th Annual Central American Youth Leadership Conference
“A Community Without Fear”

8th Central American Youth Leadership Conference
Join us May 31, 2024 for our 8th Annual Central American Youth Leadership Conference entitle “Pensando an Mi Futuro” (Thinking of My Future") Our keynote speaker will be Dr. Charles Vela. Dr Vela is an immigrant from El Salvador who has been featured in magazines and television recognized for his contributions to science and technology. Dr. Vela is most known for to the STEM program, founded in 1992, a concept for integrating the education of science, technology, engineering and mathematics in the schools of Los Angeles and United States and has been used in schools around the world. He has also work to create systems in the IRS, Telecommunications, among other industries

Westlake participatory Budgeting
The Los Angeles Reforms for Equity and Public Acknowledgment of Institutional Racism (L.A. REPAIR) is L.A.'s first participatory budget pilot program. L.A. REPAIR will distribute roughly $8.5 million directly to nine L.A. City neighborhoods, called REPAIR Zones including: WESTLAKE.
Westlake has 6 proposals included in the guide.
To be eligible to vote, you must be 15+ years old and live, work, study, or be the guardian of a student in the REPAIR Zone - no documentation needed. You will be asked on your ballot to confirm your eligibility and attest that you will only vote once. If there is any suspicion of fraud or multiple ballots by one person, the City reserves the right to remove those ballots from consideration.
(They can either vote online, on our days of food distribution, or at our office)
Dias de distribución de comida: Vea Volantes abajo con fechas
Vote On-Line: Vote Here
El Nuestra Oficina
Homies Unidos
2105 Beverly Blvd Ste. 203
Los Angeles CA 90057
Community members should engage and have the power to be part of this voting process to bring change and positive outcomes to the community. Positive outcomes to the community live in, work, and having our children being raised in.

Healing Through Art
Homies Unidos is Inviting you all to our crimigration art exhibition titled, “Healing Through Art”. The purpose of the exhibit is to bring awareness to issues impacting immigrants who have been criminalized in the city, state and abroad.
Art Exhibit will have art by immigrants incarcerated in California proisons, immigrant youth who have been incarcerated in the immigration system. There will be presentation from families and people impacted by mass incarceration as well as mass deportation.
Don’t miss this show that will be happening for one month. Art will be available for purchase. But you can always make a donation to continue the work supporting our immigrant families and their incarcerated loved ones.
For more information on schedule activities, please call Fredid Toledo at 213-383-7484
Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year
Join us in the Holiday spirit. Dec. 16 through Dec. 22, this Saturday we will be a full day of activities, followed by a week of providing toys for children and groceries for families. Check out the link.

Central American Youth Leadership Conference
Dear Community Partner,
Homies Unidos is excited to invite you to the 7th annual Central American Youth Leadership Conference, "Yo Controlo mi Futuro", a convening of scholars, educators, and resource partners to welcome recent arrivals from Latin America that will shape the landscape of tomorrow’s immigrant rights movement. It is our mission to empower youth and families to access resources, share their stories, and achieve educational milestones.
This conference will take place at Los Angeles Trade-Tech College on Friday, June 2, from 9:00 am to 2:30 pm. Since 2015, our Central American Youth Leadership Council has organized an annual convening of over 450 high school and middle school students. Scholars, educators, and community partners welcome recent arrivals with resources and workshops. These immigrants will shape the landscape of tomorrow’s immigrant rights movement. It is our mission to empower youth and families to share their stories, start healing and engage in the civic process.
We are inviting you to join us again in the celebration and creation of a welcoming community for our immigrant youths. You can take part in ensuring that these youths will enjoy a positive and welcoming experience with resources, food, raffles, and dancing.
Your support of this event is crucial to raise awareness and providing resources to newly arrived youth and families. Let us know if you have ideas for ways your organizations can partner, collaborate, or bring further awareness to support our mission.
Thank you for your consideration. Please feel free to contact:
Alex Sanchez, at 213-383-7484 or via email: at if you want to take part in this amazing event.

Quest For Democracy (Q4D)
Join other formerly incarcerated people and families in All of Us or None’s 11th Annual Quest for Democracy day of action. The continued criminalizing of our immigrants has led to thousands of formerly incarcerated people continued their incarceration in the Immigration Prisons where they are being deported to places where they face an uncertain future. In many cases, DEATH!
Homies Unidos joined the criminal justice movement to dismantle a system that continues to separate our families, continues slaving our people and continues exploiting the funds our families send their loved one with the high cost of commissary.
The following are the bill proposed by legislators with input from our allies that Homies Unidos will go to advocate for in Sacramento.
You can call your representative and let them know how you feel about the system that continues mass incarcerating our people. Support our initiatives!
Únase a otras personas y familias anteriormente encarceladas en el 11º día de acción anual de All of Us or None's Quest for Democracy. La continua criminalización de nuestros inmigrantes ha llevado a que miles de personas anteriormente encarceladas continúen su encarcelamiento en las Prisiones de Inmigración donde están siendo deportados a lugares donde enfrentan un futuro incierto. En muchos casos, ¡MUERTE!
Homies Unidos se unió al movimiento de justicia penal para desmantelar un sistema que continúa separando a nuestras familias, continúa esclavizando a nuestra gente y continúa explotando los fondos que nuestras familias envían a sus seres queridos con el alto costo de la comisaría.
Los siguientes son los proyectos de ley propuestos por los legisladores con aportes de nuestros aliados que Homies Unidos abogara por en Sacramento.
Puede llamar a su representante y hacerle saber cómo se siente acerca del sistema que continúa encarcelando en masa a nuestra gente. ¡Apoya nuestras iniciativas!
The BASIC Act alleviates cost pressures for incarcerated people and their families by eliminating price markups on items purchased in California’s prison canteen stores.
La Ley BASIC alivia las presiones de costos para las personas privadas de libertad y sus familias por eliminando los recargos en los precios de los artículos comprados en las tiendas de la cantina de la prisión en California.
The Harmonizing Our Measures for Equality (HOME) Act, would ensure that Californians are not excluded based on where they were born from benefiting from criminal justice reforms passed by this legislature. The HOME
Act would prevent the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) from transferring to federal immigration authorities individuals who have earned release through these reforms.
AB 1306, la Ley de Armonización de Nuestras Medidas para la Igualdad (HOME), garantizaría que los californianos no queden excluidos de beneficiarse de las reformas de justicia penal aprobadas por esta legislatura según el lugar donde nacieron. La Ley HOME evitaría que el Departamento de Correcciones y Rehabilitación de California (CDCR) transfiera a las autoridades federales de inmigración a las personas que han obtenido la liberación a través de estas reformas.
AB 1226 Keep Families Close Act
The purpose of AB 1226 is to allow incarcerated persons to be housed in institutions close to where their children live, so as to facilitate visiting and maintain family unity.
El proposito de AB 1226 es permitír a las personas encárcerados a vivir en instítuciones cerca a donde sus niños viven para que pueden ver su familia y tener unidad.
This bill establishes personal visits for incarcerated people as a limited civil right and ensures that revoking visitation rights are limited to special circumstances related to security.
AB 958 establece las visitas personales para las personas encarceladas como un derecho civil limitado, en lugar de un privilegio, y garantiza que la revocación de los derechos de visita se limite a circunstancias especiales.
Link for The rest of the bill addressing Criminal justice issues this year:
Enlace de los proyectos de ley que impactan justicia Criminal de este año.
Q4D Policy Platform/Plataforma de políticas Q4D de 2023
Fines & Fees
Family Unity
AB 1226 (Haney) Keep Families Close Act
AB 958 (Santiago) Visitation
AB 937 (McKinnor) Reunification Services
SB 824 - Ashby Foster Care
AB 1306 - Carillo HOME Act
Vestiges of Slavery
ACA 8 Slavery/Involuntary Servitude
ACA 4 - Bryan Voting
SB 94 - Cortese LWOP
SB 809 (Smallwood Cuevas) Fair Chance Act Expansion
AB 280 (Holden) Segregated Confinement
Entrevista: Criminalization de Inmigrantes
Sintonizase hoy a la Radio: KPFK 90.7 Nuestra Voz Jueves 18, 2023
Para mas información sobre las propuestas de ley por cual estamos abogando siga el enlace: Q4D

Homies Unidos’ December CRI, Reducing Violence by Feeding the People
Location: 6th/Bonnie Brae

Homies Unidos’ December CRI, Reducing Violence by Feeding the People
Join us for our Community Response Initiative this December for our monthly food distribution and our 3rd annual Holiday Toy Giveaway.
Our Holiday Toy Drive gives our underserved youth and their families some holiday cheer during these difficult financial times. Last year our free toy giveaway surprised and put smiles on over 400 of our youths faces. Please make sure your kids are present to receive a free toy. First come, first served.
Location: Los Comales (8th/Normandie)

Homies Unidos’ December CRI events- Reducing Violence by Feeding the People
Join us for our Community Response Initiative this December for our monthly food distribution and our 3rd annual Holiday Toy Giveaway.
Our Holiday Toy Drive gives our underserved youth and their families some holiday cheer during these difficult financial times. Last year our free toy giveaway surprised and put smiles on over 400 of our youths faces. Please make sure your kids are present to receive a free toy. First come, first served.
• 4th and Rampart at 10am
• 3rd and Kenmore at 11am
• Kenmore and Pico at 12pm