Libertad Con Dignidad
Libertad con Dignidad is our prisoner support project, providing parole board preparation services to immigrant lifers.
Homies Unidos was founded in San Salvador, El Salvador in 1996, in response to alarming rates of transnational youth violence and the emergence of an incarceration-to-deportation pipeline in the United States. On September 30, 1996, Congress enacted the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (IIRIRA), which expanded the scope of deportable offenses and established reentry bans that prohibited non-citizens deported due to a criminal conviction from seeking lawful immigration status. By 2000, the number of immigrants removed from the United States had nearly tripled since the enactment of IIRIRA. In Los Angeles, the face of the incarceration-to-deportation pipeline was overwhelmingly Central American.
Decades prior to the enactment of IIRIRA, Central American youth fleeing war in their home countries arrived to “the gang capital of the world” and were swiftly caught in the web that is our criminal justice system.
In El Salvador, this resulted in a massive influx of deported individuals who felt disconnected from the war-torn communities they had left behind. Homies Unidos was founded as a safe haven for deported individuals who had become entrenched in the gang lifestyle in Los Angeles and within the U.S. carceral system. In 1999, Homies Unidos immigrated to Los Angeles, along with the vision to promote peace and end violence in Central American communities. It is our mission to defend the inherent right of youth, families, and communities to pursue their dreams and achieve their full potential in a just, safe, and healthy society. Libertad con Dignidad, or “Freedom with Dignity,” is the core program of Homies Unidos, rooted in the belief that all communities deserve freedom, dignity, and respect.
CAPRIL (Comite de Apoyo a Privados de Libertad or Committee in Support of Incarcerated Communities)
(Committee in Support of Incarcerated People) leads the advocacy and community organizing efforts of Homies Unidos around policies that impact currently and formerly incarcerated individuals and their families. Homies Unidos works with families of our incarcerated Libertad con Dignidad participants to provide policy education and advocacy orientations, and a network of mutual aid and community-based support. Since 2015, we have advocated for policies that promote alternatives to incarceration, family reunification, and investment in community-based public safety and community intervention efforts. CAPRIL has participated in legislative visits with state and local public officials and community forums to provide input on state, county, and city ordinances.
Coaching for Healing and Liberation
Homies Unidos integrates coaching for healing and liberation practices into all of our programs to empower and enable participants to explore their identity, passion, and purpose, and set intentions for personal development and positive transformation. Our coaching experts work with youth and adults individually and in group settings to promote self-reflection, awareness, and intention-setting.
Contact Us
Libertad con Dignidad seeks to make every voice heard. We believe that the issue of immigrants rights that should be dealt with accordingly. We strongly believe that individuals have a right to live a life free of violence and persecution.
For more information regarding Libertad con Dignidad please contact Alex Sanchez asanchez@homiesunidos.org or call 213-383-7484.