Epiphany Project & Tattoo Removal
Epiphany Project is a 12-workshop series designed to support the successful reentry of those returning
home from incarceration
Epiphany Project is a 12-workshop series designed to support the successful reentry of those returning home from incarceration and prevent high risk behavior amongst youth and adults impacted by the justice system, including current and former gang members.
An epiphany is a sudden realization or manifestation of the truth. Through the use of cognitive behavioral concepts, we equip directly-impacted participants with tools and strategies to understand their decision-making and thought processes. When an individual becomes aware of the triggers and emotions that influence their actions, they are able to employ self-assessment and intervention strategies to modify their behavior. It is our goal for participants to realize their purpose and potential through exposure to resources and success strategies that include knowing their rights, understanding laws and judicial systems, exploring career opportunities, and setting goals. The curriculum consists of four phases: Awareness, Intervention, Rights, and Tools. Workshop topics include, but are not limited to, Trauma-Informed: Why Hurt People Hurt People, Self-Awareness & Leadership, Gang & Street Violence, Drugs & Alcohol, Mass Incarceration: Criminal Law & Procedure, War on Immigrants: Crimmigration & Mass Deportations, Pathways to Education, Pathways to Career Readiness, and Financial Literacy. Graduates of the Epiphany Project become a part of a reentry support network as community members and justice advocates.
Contact Us
For more information regarding the Epiphany Project please contact Ruben Ledesma at ruben@homiesunidos.org or call 213-383-7484
Tattoo Removal
Tattoo Removal is subsidized for participants of the Epiphany Project through our partnership with Sunrise Outreach Center. Homies Unidos subsidizes the entire cost of tattoo removal services for individuals who have been incarcerated within the last 12 months or those who are in ongoing court proceedings, including criminal and immigration court. All other individuals must pay a $35 enrollment fee and $30 per monthly session.
If you or someone you know needs to remove a tattoo:
Call or visit our L.A. office and register to join the Epiphany Project. The Epiphany Project equips our participants with the life and leadership skills that guide the emotional aspects of the tattoo removal process.
Upon completion of the Epiphany Project workshops, you will be given your first tattoo removal appointment.The tattoo removal process can vary for everyone. The number of tattoo sessions that are needed for a complete tattoo removal can vary depending on the size and the ink used to create the tattoo.
Continue your tattoo removal appointments and help out! We ask people who go through our program to help Homies Unidos in our efforts to give back to our communities. Much of what we do, including the design of this website, is only made possible by donors like you and the support of our volunteers.
We like to give a special thanks to The Sunrise Outreach Center who provide the tattoo removal services and at a reduced price. For more information regarding the Epiphany Project please contact Ruben Ledesma at ruben@homiesunidos.org or call 213-383-7484